Problematic OCs
Linden Birch Shane Moore Aster Ramirez Amber White Aaron Nelson
Linden Birch
Killer & Necrophiliac
Linden Birch is my favorite of my problematic OCs.
As you saw, he is also my website's mascot. That's mainly because I adore his dark color scheme and the witchy aesthetic I associate with Linden.
He was originally created as a fan character for the horror visual novel game 'Boyfriend to Death'. His necrophiliac tendancies (that he absolute hates acting upon as of right now) are actually a nod to the character who inspired his creation! (Lawrence Oleander!).
Linden could be techically classified as a yandere of sorts. He is obsessive to the point of going so far to kidnap the one he is obsessed with. But thats about as far as the comparisons go. Linden learns schedules, and will go out of his way to give his darling flowers and odd trinkets he thinks they would like. (These are usually small bones, gems and little poitions). He so far only has three kills; His Mother (a true accident), a boy named Ethan when he was 17 years old, and his girlfriend when he was 18. It was Ethan when he first acted upon his morbid tendancy, and where he found himself truely disgusted with himself after the fact.
Linden is a 25 year old, cisgendered bisexual polyamorus male. He is dating Shane Moore and Aster Ramirez.
In an AU, he lives in the same town as my best friend's OCs, and has a crush on one of them (said OC is very aware of this. This will not end well for Linden)
Art by Gurobob on Tumblr.
Shane Moore
Cult Leader in Training & Cannibal
Shane Moore came out of my facination with cults.
Shane is the son of Arthur Moore, leader of the cult known as 'Children of God's Sacrifce'. He is learning under his father for when Arthur becomes to old or passes away suddenly. Unbeknownst to both Shane and Arthur, Shane is actually the son of the Goddess Luan, one of the two Gods that the Cult worships. The Gods, Luan and Saun, are commonly referred to as 'Mother' and 'Father' respectively. Luan causes torment to her child, giving him intense hallucinations of shadow arms and eyes.
Shane is also a cannibal, typically only feasting on the flesh of other humans on the rare cases of a human sacrifice during worship. He has never been caught by anyone within the cult.
Shane is a 26 year old gay polyamours transgender male. He is dating Linden Birch and Aster Ramirez.
Aster Ramirez
Rich Fuckboy & Dark Web Frequenter
Aster Ramirez is a fuckboy, plain and simple. He flirts with anyone who shows a miniscule amount of interest in him. If he's lucky, he can get them shit faced drunk and get them to his apartment, if he just wants drunk sex (he is also shit faced 95% of the time). The 5% of the time he isn't, the unlucky man or woman may never be seen again. Aster, during the times he isn't partying, hanging with his boyfriends or getting over a hangover, he is making amature snuff films on the live web. His fathers are not aware of this, but he knows they do their shady buisness so they typically keep their nose out of whatever it is Aster is doing.
Aster is a 26 yar old cisgender pansexual polyamourus male. He is dating Linden Birch and Shane Moore.
Amber White
One Violent Bitch
Amber White is just awful. Theres no if ands or butts about it. She does what she wants when she wants. You can typically find her hanging around bars with tough guys, drinking and causing mayhem. Her weapon of choice is a metal bat; something about that metallic 'tink' when the bat cracks the side of someones skull sets her off in good way. She also loves joyriding, committing arson and doing drugs. She is a lawless woman and has avoided the cops multiple times.
Amber is a 27 year old cisgender heterosexual female. She is dating Aaron Nelson. (She is aware he's a necrophiliac.)
Art by Screech on
Aaron Nelson
Drug Dealer & Necrophiliac
Yep. Another necrophiliac. Aaron is is the calm to Amber's storm. He also is a licensed mortitian, local drug dealer and necrophiliac. Unlike Linden, he enjoys it. He likes that theres no fight back, he likes the feeling of their cold skin. He's not picky in terms of how one looks; they just have to be on his table. Typically, he wouldn't go for the living, but Amber is his special acception to the rule.
Aaron is a 29 year old cisgender heterosexual male. He is dating Amber White.