Planetary Correspondence

✩ the sun (sol)
Zodiac: Leo
Metal: Gold
Day: Sunday
Colour: Yellow, Orange, Amber
Stones: Amber, Topaz, Ruby, Diamond, Cat’s Eye
Herbs: Angelica, Acacia, Aspen, Arnica, Ash, Burnet, Butterbur, Bay, Benzoin, Chamomile, Carnation, Calendula, Cedar, Celandine, Citron, Copal, Carraway, Centauray, Cinnamon, Clove, Eyebright, Frankincense, Gorse, Goldenseal, Juniper, Lovage, Mastic, Mistletoe, Nasturtium, Olive, Peony, Rue, Rosemary, Reed, Sandalwood (Red), Sunflower, St. Johns Wort, Vine, Witch-hazel, Walnut.
Influences: active change, advancement, creativity, ego, fame, favour, friendship, growth, healing, health, honour, hope, joy, leadership, life energy, light, monetary gain, personal fulfillment, power, pride, promotion, self confidence, success, superiors, vitality
Negative aspects: arrogance, bigotry, pride

✩ the moon (Luna)
Zodiac: Cancer
Metal: Silver
Day: Monday
Colour: White, Blue, Silver
Stones: Moonstone, Pearl
Herbs: Aloe, Alecast, Camphor, Clary Sage, Cleavers, Dog Rose, Fir, Gardenia, Honesty, Jasmine, Lily, Lemon, Lemon balm, Lotus, Mugwort, Myrrh, Marshmallow, Opium, Ox-eye Daisy, Poppy, Purslane, Peony, (White) Rose, Rowan, Sandalwood (White), Snowdrop, Willow.
Influences: astral travel, birth, children, clairvoyance, dreams, emotions, fertility, home, imagination, inspiration, intuition, secrets, sleep, women’s mysteries, reincarnation
Negative aspects: delusion

✩ Saturn
Metal: Lead
Day: Saturday
Colour: Black
Stones: Onyx
Herbs: Aconite, Asafoetida, Belladonna, Bistort, Bindweed, Blackthorn, Comfrey, Cornflower, Cypress, Datura, Elm, Fern, Fumitory, Hellebore, Hemlock, Henbane, Hemp, Holly, Indigo, Ivy, Mullein, Scullcap, Wode, Yew.
Influences: astral plane, banks, binding, buildings, death, debts, discipline, history, institutions, karmic debts, knowledge, limitations, longevity, magickal knowledge, obstacles, real estate, sacred wisdom, structures, time
Negative aspects: oppression, pain

Zodiac: Virgo, Gemini
Metal: Aluminum, Mercury
Day: Wednesday
Colour: Violet, Grey, Indigo, Purple, Yellow
Stones: Opal, Agate
Herbs: Almond, Anise, Aspen, Bayberry, Bergamot, Bean, Cedar, Clary Sage, Caraway, Dill, Elecampane, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Fenugreek, Fern, Flax, Horehound, Hazel, Lavender, Liquorice, Lemongrass, Lemon verbena, Lily of the Valley, Mulberry, Mandrake, Marjoram, Parsley, Smallage, Valerian.
Influences: business, buying and selling, cleverness, communication, contracts, creativity, information, intellect, memory, perception, science, wisdom, writing
Negative aspects: dishonesty, deception
✩ Mars
Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio
Metal: Iron, Red Brass
Day: Tuesday
Colour: Red
Stones: Rudy, Garnet, Lodestone, Diamond
Herbs: Allspice, Anemone, Asafoetida, Beech, Basil, Bryony, Bearberry, Coriander, Cookoo Pint, Dragons Blood fern, Galangal, Garlic, Ginger, Horseradish, Holly, Hop, Hawthorn, Juniper, Madder, Mustard, Nettle, Pine, Sneezewort, Tarragon, Thistle, Woodruff, Wormwood.
Influences: aggression, ambition, arguments, competition, conflict, destruction, energy, goals, lust, male sexuality, medical issues, sports, strength, strife, struggle, surgery, upheaval, victory, war
Negative aspects: anger, violence

✩ Venus
Zodiac: Taurus, Libra
Metal: Copper
Day: Friday
Colour: Green, Pink
Stones: Copper
Herbs: Alder, Alfalfa, Apple, Birch, Balm Gilead, Blackberry, Buckwheat, Burdock, Bugle, Birthwort, Cardamom, Catnip, Cherry, Columbine, Cowslip, Chickweed, Coltsfoot, Daisy, Dog Rose, Elder, Feverfew, Forget-me-not, Foxglove, Ground Ivy, Geranium, Golden Rod, Heather, Herb Robert, Hollyhock, Lady’s Mantle, Lemon Verbena. Larkspur, Lilac, Magnolia, Mugwort, Mint, Myrtle, Mallow, Marshmallow, Meadowsweet, Orris, Patchouli, Periwinkle, Primrose, Rose (Damask), Soapwort, Strawberry, Sorrel, Sweet pea, Tansy, Thyme, Vanilla, Violet, Yarrow.
Influences: arts, attraction, beauty, female sexuality, friendship, harmony, love, luxury, music, pleasure, scent, sensuality, social affairs
Negative aspects: coldness, isolation, lechery

✩ Jupiter
Metal: Tin
Day: Thursday
Colour: Blue
Stones: Sapphire
Herbs: Agrimony, Avens, Alexanders, Betony, Balm Gilead, Borage, Datura, Dock, Chervil, Chicory, Cinquefoil, Clove, Dandelion, Hemp, Honeysuckle, Horse Chestnut, Houseleek, Hyssop, Mistletoe, Nutmeg, Oak, Red Rose, Sage, Sassafras, Sweet cicely
Influences: abundance, business, fame, gambling, greed, growth, expansion, honour, leadership, money, parties, politics, power, responsibility, royalty, success, visions, wealth
Negative aspects: greed, wastefulness
it's time to go home.