you are lavender #E6E6FA |
Your dominant hue is blue, making you a good friend who people love and trust. You're good in social situations and want to fit in. Just be careful not to compromise who you are to make them happy.
Your saturation level is very low - you have better things to do than jump headfirst into every little project. You make sure your actions are going to really accomplish something before you start because you hate wasting energy making everyone else think you're working.
Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.
the spacefem.com html color quiz |
What is your Animal Crossing personality? Answer these hard-
Your Result: Peppy
Peppy villagers are like the Pinkie Pie in the Animal Crossing series. They tend to want to have a party with others. Sometimes they even find interest in sports. They love candy and eat it frequently. Examples of peppy villagers are Candi, Bluebear, Bianca, and Bunnie.
The African bullfrog, or Pixie frog as it is often called (because of it's latin name, not because it's as cute as a fairy!), is one of the largest frogs in South Africa. Usually, they hang out in open grassland, and if there are any to be found, they'll sit around in puddles. When startled, these frogs will blow up like balloons to scare away the intruder! In the dry season, they will burrow into the ground. These guys eat lots and lots of really big bugs, fish, mice, lizards, and even other frogs.
Marsha, Thankk You for the Dialectics, but I Need You to Leave what song are you from will wood's 'the normal album'? |
How're the mommy issues, daddy issues, and abandonment issues treating you? You've probably tried getting on SSRIs before and they made you feel worse so now you just, quote, "deal with it." You should definitely get in therapy! You like going to stores like Hot Topic or Spencer's, and hate when people make it an 'aesthetic' to shop there. You're either a huge astrology fan or despise it with a burning passion, there is no in between. You also probably read books like Harry Potter, Magic Tree House, or Artemis Fowl as a kid and still have a deeply-rooted wish that you'll discover a magic world one day to whisk you away from your shitty life. Trust me, though: it will get better! Finding your people is akin to finding a magical realm. |
what song are you from will wood's 'the normal album'? woolie.neocities.org |
Stars "Sun, Moon, or Stars?" except for it's a reality check. |
Wow, you really are sad. Not in a fun, romanticized way either. In a "dread-induced stupor" way. Fascinating. You have trouble distinguishing where your fears become reality. You are woefully aware. You wish your friends understood why you act the way you do. In that you feel alone. In your fear you feel alone. I wish you knew you aren't. That we are all scared. That the world is not on your shoulders alone. |
"Sun, Moon, or Stars?" except for it's a reality check. woolie.neocities.org |
glitch in space-time What Weirdcore/Dreamcore Vibe Are You? |
One can often find little rips and folds in reality. What are they? You think about it often. Animals in odd locations, looming objects rising from out of the fog, strangely placed doors and staircases. What is beyond the limits of this reality? How much is reality, and how much isn't? It's all the same. It's scary... yet intriguing and comforting. |
What Weirdcore/Dreamcore Vibe Are You? woolie.neocities.org |
King Soldier, poet, king, healer, hermit and a trickster |
“Yes, I do; as long as the heart beats, as long as body and soul keep together, I cannot admit that any creature endowed with a will has need to despair of life.” — Jules Verne. I want to dedicate this quote to all my dear kings and queens. You are brave and strong in body and soul, but you also have great love and compassion! Never think that this is your weakness, a ruler without a kind heart will lead his kingdom to ruin. Although life can sometimes be unbearably hard and unfair, you should not despair. You are the one who will be able to rediscover the hidden path to the sun through storm and mist. |
Soldier, poet, king, healer, hermit and a trickster woolie.neocities.org |